Pandemic Delicacies – Homemade Recipes

Things that I used to treat myself whenever I went out – matcha lattes, breakfast scrambles, boba, etc. – well I learned to make them at home and have done so often that I’m now sick of them! When I do get the chance to go out now, I almost tend to avoid these items because I can make them myself, and better. Here are 5 things that I’ve perfected at home, including the recipes!


My mom and I like to compare my boba to outside shops now, and I’m glad I learned to make this myself because it can get expensive elsewhere. I always buy the pre-made tapioca balls that are shipped from none other than Taiwan. The cooking times vary depending on the brand, but the gist is the same.

Ingredients and Steps

-1 cup of boba
-6 cups of water
-2 tablespoons of brown sugar
-2 tablespoons of honey

  1. Bring the 6 cups of water to boil.
  2. Add boba and wait for them to rise up to the top, stir.
  3. Cover the pot and set to medium-high heat for 20 minutes. (Check the instructions first for boiling time).
  4. Turn off the heat, stir a few times, and let boba simmer for another 20 minutes.
  5. Drain the water and boil the boba with brown sugar and honey on low heat.
  6. Keep stirring continuously for about 1-2 minutes to let the flavors soak in.
  7. Remove from fire and transfer to a mixing bowl and let sit (stir occasionally) for 20-30 minutes.
  8. Serve with your favorite tea drink!
Made in Taiwan!
After cooking for 20 minutes, the boba will look a bit translucent
Soak for 20-30 minutes and then you’re ready!
Oolong milk tea and jasmine tea mixed with fresh squeezed OJ

Iced Spanish Latte

I have a full recipe post here!

Iced Matcha Latte

I head to a Japanese market about once a month and every time I run out of matcha powder, that’s where I get my stash. I always get these two brands from the market, picture below. The Matcha Au Lait comes in smaller pre-portioned packs, and the Matcha Milk is one whole pack where you measure out your matcha. If measuring out, I usually just use two almost-heaping spoonfuls. Both contain milk powder and sugar so all you really need is to mix with a bit of hot water to dissolve all the powder, add your choice of milk (I prefer whole milk), and top off with ice cubes. My ratio within the cup is 1/3 hot water, 1/3 whole milk, and 1/3 ice. Simple!

Milk Teas

At that Japanese market, or any Asian market really, I sometimes buy the 2 liters of pre-made unsweetened jasmine tea. Then when I finish off the store-bought tea, I’ll brew some at home with tea leaves. Regardless, my perfect jasmine milk tea involves a ratio of 3:2 of tea to whole milk, and topped with ice cubes. I also add a squirt of organic agave to taste since any of green teas can be bitter unsweetened.

Breakfast Scramble

I love breakfast foods – who doesn’t? But my eyes always wander to the scrambles on any menu, and these usually start at $13 in LA County and go up from there. So during the pandemic, I made my own recipe and I love that I can customize the ingredients to my heart’s content.

Ingredients and Steps

-1 large russett potato
-1 bell pepper (not green)
-handful of shredded cheese
-handful of baby spinach
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-2 slices of ham/turkey
-5 eggs
-1/4 onion
-1/2 avocado
-salt and pepper

  1. Dice the potato, bell pepper, onion, and meat (I sometimes slice the potato in larger pieces, but make sure they’re even).
  2. In a large pan, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sauté the potatoes first until brown on medium heat (I cover the pan and flip occasionally).
  3. Mix in bell peppers and onions and cook for ~3 minutes.
  4. Add your choice of lunch meat and another tablespoon of olive oil, cook for 1 minute.
  5. Beat your eggs (sprinkle in some salt) and add that in with the baby spinach, cook for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Sprinkle your cheese and pepper, and cook until melted (1-2 minutes).
  7. Serve with your avocado garnished on top or with a side of toast!
Made with turkey, eggs, potatoes, yellow bell pepper
Served with avo toast, potatoes, red bell peppers, turkey

And that’s it!

Is there a recipe you’d like to share? It would be awesome to hear what people have been concocting at home!

xx Sam

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